Exercising after Plastic Surgery

Depending on the type of procedure you’ve had done, you will likely have to take some time off from exercising. Rest and recovery are important in ensuring successful results, so know when to take it easy and when it’s ok to get moving again!

Exercising after Plastic Surgery

Exercise after Tummy Tuck

Exercise after a tummy tuck is important in maintaining your results. During the first few weeks after surgery, you should limit activity to walking only. After four weeks, you can begin light cardio such as fast walking or cycling, but you should still refrain from more strenuous exercise. With your surgeon’s approval, you can return to normal exercise after six to eight weeks. Some surgeons believe you should wait much longer (ten weeks to six months) on abdominal targeting movements such as crunches, sit-ups, and weightlifting. Dr. Plant generally recommends that patients who have had muscle tightening wait 6 weeks before carefully resuming weightlifting and 3 months from surgery before resuming targeted abdominal exercises.

Exercise after Liposuction

Liposuction can eliminate stubborn fat for good, but regular exercise after your procedure will be necessary for maintaining your results. Resuming normal activities depends on a large part on the area that was treated and how much fat was removed. In general, for the first few weeks, you can stand and walk if you feel comfortable but avoid strenuous activity. After three weeks, you can begin light cardio with more intense walking or cycling. Further exercise can be added after four weeks with jogging or weight lifting if Toronto Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Plant approves.

Exercise after Breast Surgery

For a breast augmentation and/or breast lift, overall recovery is usually shorter than abdominal procedures. During the first few weeks, you should avoid movement and exercise that puts a strain on the breast area. This includes lifting, pulling, pushing, and arm exercises. You can, however, do light cardio and leg exercises. After four weeks, you will have a follow-up appointment where Dr. Plant might give you the okay to begin arm exercises. Breast lift patients can usually resume all activities by 6 weeks, but chest exercises may have to wait as long as three months with breast augmentation patients to avoid shifting the implants.

Exercise after Face Lift

After your facelift procedure, you will want to stick with light movement with no cardio. For the first few weeks, you can go for a walk, but avoid movement that might increase your heart rate. You should avoid any stretches or bending that might cause blood to rush to your face. After four weeks, you can begin light cardio like slow cycling or continue walking. With Dr. Plant’s approval, you should be able to return to regular activity after six weeks.

No matter what procedure you have done, it is important to follow the restrictions set and take your time easing back into your exercise routine. If you are unsure about what you should or shouldn’t do, ask! Contact our office today if you have any questions about recovery, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Plant.

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